Does holiday weaning have to happen during a holiday? No. Holiday weaning can happen on vacation, around birthdays or other special events, and even when you’re moving. If a mother travels for business or grandma visits, baby’s routine may get disturbed, and weaning may happen. Any time baby and mother are busy and distracted, holiday weaning may occur.
How do we avoid holiday weaning? Planned realistically, holiday weaning need not occur. Here are a few suggestions:
- Let friends and family members know that you cherish your breastfeeding relationship. Don’t present it as a problem. For example, when aunts or grandmothers want to help, give them a task—not the baby.
- When family members ask to feed the baby, tell them, “Thank you, but I’m breastfeeding,” and smile.
- Use a sling or other carrier to keep baby close to nurse.
- Work around nap times and other times when baby is sleeping.
- Avoid long car and plane trips if possible. If it’s unavoidable, make sure to take plenty of time for nursing breaks.
- Choose clothing that provides easy access to the breast for the little nursling.
- Shop for gifts online or from catalogues. Keep “real life” shopping trips short or take plenty of breaks to breastfeed.
Sometimes mothers plan to pump and give a bottle for these events. Remember to pump as often as baby feeds to maintain your milk supply. Keep in mind that the extra work of bottle feeding—pumping, processing, storing, and dish washing—may be just too much when you consider all of the other activities you're doing. Why not breastfeed instead?
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