Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Milk Donation
Curious about milk donation? Check out the Salt Lake Mothers' Milk Donation Center. Like them on Facebook. There is currently a breast milk shortage which you can read about in this article. If you have any further questions contact the donation center at milkdonation@utha.edu.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Foods I Should Avoid?
One of the LLLI philosophy concepts states, "Good nutrition means eating a well-balanced and varied diet of foods in as close to their natural state as possible." Thus, in general, no food is excluded from the list of foods a breastfeeding mother should eat. Obviously, it is best to make sure the foods you eat are fresh and healthy. The concept of variety is important, because by eating a number of foods, you can be sure to obtain different nutrients and do not eat too much of any one food.
Every culture has lists of foods that are "good" and "bad" for breastfeeding mothers. It happens very often that foods believed to be good in one culture are considered bad in others! In Italy, mothers are often told not to eat garlic, cauliflower, lentils and red peppers. In India most mothers eat all these things and breastfeed very happily. Actually, in parts of India they believe that garlic helps a mother to breastfeed successfully!
Generally, anything you are happy eating is okay for you to eat while you are breastfeeding. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. If you have a family medical history of allergy, it is worth being careful about your diet and avoiding known allergens during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you notice that your baby reacts badly after you have eaten something, it may be best to leave that food out of your diet for a while. There is an excellent article on our Web site called " Allergies and the Breastfeeding Family," which may help you if you are worried about allergies.
See also myths 12 and 21 in the article "Common Breastfeeding Myths" for more information about what a breastfeeding mother needs to eat, and our resource page on Breastfeeding and Allergies.
To read this article and many more frequently asked questions breastfeeding visit http://www.llli.org/faq/.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Mini Café Fun
Thanks to all who came and enjoyed our Mini Café and participated in the Big Latch On! We had a lovely group of ladies, three supportive Dads and many children all enjoying a beautiful day at the park!
Thank you all and we hope to see you at a meeting soon!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Mini Café & The Big Latch On
Mark your calendars!
In conjunction with the 7th annual Breastfeeding Café, La Leche League of Sandy is putting on our own Mini Café and will be hosting The Big Latch On.
LLL of Sandy Mini Café
Saturday, August 4, 2012
9am to 1pm
Lone Peak Park
10140 South 700 East in Sandy
We will have a silent auction for a SleepyWrap, Portrait Session from Landslide Photography & more.
Giveaways will include a copy of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and more!
Let's break the record for the most women breastfeeding simultaneously!
Registration for The Big Latch On is at 10am
The Official ONE minute event will be from 10:30-10:31am
Please arrive at 10am in order to register and settle before the event begins.
If you have any questions please contact
Renee at reneeyeoman@gmail.com or by text at 801-201-2165.
If you have any questions please contact
Renee at reneeyeoman@gmail.com or by text at 801-201-2165.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Breastfeeding Café Events
Don't miss this years café blog. Today's post, wordless Wednesday, features beautiful breastfeeding photos from mothers like you. http://breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com/today/
Also, the café kickoff will be held next week.
And, of course, don't miss LLL of Sandy's own Mini Café coming up on August 4th!
If you haven't volunteered for the Breastfeeding Café yet, email Renee at reneeyeoman@gmail.com to get involved! Keep an eye on the café website for more information http://breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com/.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
The Big Latch On
Are you familiar with the Big Latch On? It is groups of breastfeeding woman coming together at registered locations all around the world to latch their child at a set time. All the breastfeeding women and children are latched on for one minute at the set time and are counted by witnesses. The numbers are added up and we see if we beat previous Big Latch On records or maybe even the world record! Join LLL of Sandy for this event at our Mini Café on Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 10:30am. Please arrive at 10:00am to get registered and settled for the one minute event from 10:30am-10:31am.
Would you like to help with this event? Email Renee at reneeyeoman@gmail.com.
Would you like to help with this event? Email Renee at reneeyeoman@gmail.com.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Join us for a Mini Café
Join us in celebrating a World Breastfeeding Week celebration in conjunction with The Breastfeeding Café. La Leche League of Sandy will be holding a Mini Café on Saturday, August 4, 2012 from 9am-1pm. Join us for The Big Latch On, fun give-aways including a Moby Wrap, and more!
Hope to see you all there!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
2012 Breastfeeding Café
Have you heard about the Breastfeeding Café? Wondering what it's all about? Read this excerpt from the Breastfeeding Café website. For more information visit http://breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com/. To volunteer to help at the café email Renee at reneeyeoman@gmail.com.
The Breastfeeding Cafe is an outreach project of the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition. Our goals are to…
1. Show that breastfeeding is normal
2. Inspire thought and conversation about breastfeeding
3. Encourage relationships among breastfeeding advocates
The Breastfeeding Cafe grew from the needs of nursing mothers, including local mom Susan Johnson who wished for a welcoming spirit and place while nursing her own daughter in the 90s. A Utah Breastfeeding Coalition member, La Leche League Leader and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Susan envisioned a gathering place in which nursing mothers and their children would be welcomed in the community.
An annual Coalition event, The Breastfeeding Cafe is possible thanks to the generosity and nurturing spirit of volunteers from all over the valley. Together with our sponsors and visitors we look forward to a time when every day is one of acceptance for nursing families.
Thank you for celebrating the everyday importance of breastfeeding!
July Newsletter
La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed.
Support your local group and help us keep supporting you! When you purchase your membership to La Leche League of Sandy you'll receive access to our lending library and discounts on other items (see announcements below). You also help make sure that LLL of Sandy can stay operating. We are a non-profit organization and money goes to group expenses so that we may continue to help moms with breastfeeding.
Support our Group by becoming a member of LLLUSA and LLL of Sandy! Membership is $40 per year and supports continuing education for Leaders and ensures that LLL of Sandy continues to exist to support mothers and babies. Please give back to our group. You can purchase a membership on-line via pay pal at http://dev.lllusa.org/UT/
**Enrichment Meetings are now open to everyone** We are excited to open our Enrichment Meetings up to all women who are interested! So come and enjoy more La Leche League of Sandy! Enrichment Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the first month of each series (see meeting schedule below) at 10:00am at Community of Grace Presbyterian Church, 2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S).
Need a baby carrier? Know someone else who needs a baby carrier? Become a member for one year (or renew your membership) for $40 and get our last Maya Tai baby carrier for only $40. That's $40 for a membership and only $40 for a new baby carrier! You will not find a brand new Maya Tai baby carrier for less! (http://www.mayawrap. com/shop/maya-tie.html)Members hips are tax deductible.
La leche League of Sandy is having a used book sale! Come to our meeting this Tuesday and browse our selection of books, all things mothering. Each book is just $4 and with our large selection available you are bound to find a book just right for you and your family.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, purchase this National Best-seller for yourself, purchase it for a gift, purchase it for a discount if you are a member of LLL of Sandy! $10 for members or with a new membership or $20 without membership.
Follow us on Facebook. You can post questions directly to our Facebook page, keep up to date on our meeting schedules and topics, and read comments/questions posted from mothers just like you!
What goes on at a meeting?
Have you seen our blog? LLL of Sandy has a blog You can visit to find Leader phone numbers, membership information, and all about the different meetings LLL of Sandy has to offer.
Meeting Schedule:
Follow us on Facebook. You can post questions directly to our Facebook page, keep up to date on our meeting schedules and topics, and read comments/questions posted from mothers just like you!
What goes on at a meeting?
Have you seen our blog? LLL of Sandy has a blog You can visit to find Leader phone numbers, membership information, and all about the different meetings LLL of Sandy has to offer.
All interested women, mothers, mothers-to-be, babies, and children are welcome at our meetings! Series Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 10:00 AM. Enrichment Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the first month of each series at 10:00 AM.
Series Meeting 3: The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Difficulties
Tuesday July 10 at 10:00 AM
2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S.)
Sandy, Utah
(NE corner of Highland Drive and Newcastle Drive)
Series Meeting 4: Nutrition and Weaning
Tuesday August 14 at 10:00 AM
2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S.)
Sandy, Utah
(NE corner of Highland Drive and Newcastle Drive)
Series Meeting 1: The Importance of Breastfeeding
Tuesday September 11 at 10:00 AM
2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S.)
Sandy, Utah
(NE corner of Highland Drive and Newcastle Drive)
Thank you for supporting our community of nursing mothers! See you Soon!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Support your local group and help us keep supporting you! When you purchase your membership to La Leche League of Sandy you'll receive access to our lending library and discounts on other items (see announcements below). You also help make sure that LLL of Sandy can stay operating. We are a non-profit organization and money goes to group expenses so that we may continue to help moms with breastfeeding.
Support our Group by becoming a member of LLLUSA and LLL of Sandy! Membership is $40 per year and supports continuing education for Leaders and ensures that LLL of Sandy continues to exist to support mothers and babies. Please give back to our group. You can purchase a membership on-line via pay pal at http://dev.lllusa.org/UT/
*****Location Changed for June's Meeting.***** Come enjoy the warm weather with us at Willowcreek Park (8400 S 2000 E) on June 12th. There is a lot of shade for sitting and a lot of room for running around! This change is only for the meeting scheduled on June 12th.
**Enrichment Meetings are now open to everyone** We are excited to open our Enrichment Meetings up to all women who are interested! So come and enjoy more La Leche League of Sandy! Enrichment Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the first month of each series (see meeting schedule below) at 10:00am at Community of Grace Presbyterian Church, 2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S).
Need a baby carrier? Know someone else who needs a baby carrier? Become a member for one year (or renew your membership) for $40 and get our last Maya Tai baby carrier for only $40. That's $40 for a membership and only $40 for a new baby carrier! You will not find a brand new Maya Tai baby carrier for less! (http://www.mayawrap. com/shop/maya-tie.html)Members hips are tax deductible.
La leche League of Sandy is having a used book sale! Come to our meeting this Tuesday and browse our selection of books, all things mothering. Each book is just $4 and with our large selection available you are bound to find a book just right for you and your family.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, purchase this National Best-seller for yourself, purchase it for a gift, purchase it for a discount if you are a member of LLL of Sandy! $10 for members or with a new membership or $20 without membership.
Follow us on Facebook. You can post questions directly to our Facebook page, keep up to date on our meeting schedules and topics, and read comments/questions posted from mothers just like you!
What goes on at a meeting?
Have you seen our blog? LLL of Sandy has a blog You can visit to find Leader phone numbers, membership information, and all about the different meetings LLL of Sandy has to offer.
Meeting Schedule:
Follow us on Facebook. You can post questions directly to our Facebook page, keep up to date on our meeting schedules and topics, and read comments/questions posted from mothers just like you!
What goes on at a meeting?
Have you seen our blog? LLL of Sandy has a blog You can visit to find Leader phone numbers, membership information, and all about the different meetings LLL of Sandy has to offer.
All interested women, mothers, mothers-to-be, babies, and children are welcome at our meetings! Series Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 10:00 AM. Enrichment Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the first month of each series at 10:00 AM.
Series Meeting 2: Baby Arrives: The Family and the Breastfed Baby
Tuesday June 12 at 10:00 AM
Willowcreek Park
8400 S 2000 E
Sandy, Utah
Series Meeting 3: The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Difficulties
Tuesday July 10 at 10:00 AM
2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S.)
Sandy, Utah
(NE corner of Highland Drive and Newcastle Drive)
Series Meeting 4: Nutrition and Weaning
Tuesday August 14 at 10:00 AM
2015 E. Newcastle Drive (8890 S.)
Sandy, Utah
(NE corner of Highland Drive and Newcastle Drive)
Thank you for supporting our community of nursing mothers! See you Soon!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Enrichment Meeting
Don't forget that we will be having an enrichment meeting this month. On May 22nd at 10am we will be discussing Gentle Discipline. This is a wonderful topic that is applicable to babies and children of all ages. We encourage everyone to come to this meeting as enrichment meetings are now open to everyone, not just members. Hope to see you there.
Also, our next series meeting will be held at Willowcreek Park. Willowcreek Park is located at 8400 South 2000 East in Sandy and is just up the road from our usual meeting location. This will be a casual meeting where moms can mingle while having the option to ask leaders questions. A leader will be at the park and available for help, support and questions from 10am until noon. Bring a sack lunch if you'd like and don't forget the sunscreen!
Looking forward to a fun summer! See you there!
Also, our next series meeting will be held at Willowcreek Park. Willowcreek Park is located at 8400 South 2000 East in Sandy and is just up the road from our usual meeting location. This will be a casual meeting where moms can mingle while having the option to ask leaders questions. A leader will be at the park and available for help, support and questions from 10am until noon. Bring a sack lunch if you'd like and don't forget the sunscreen!
Looking forward to a fun summer! See you there!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Nutrition & Weaning
Join us tomorrow, April 10, for Series Meeting # 4: Nutrition and Weaning
Starting solids, family nutrition, enjoying extended nursing, weaning naturally, and practicing loving guidance
Starting solids, family nutrition, enjoying extended nursing, weaning naturally, and practicing loving guidance
Monday, March 12, 2012
Series Meeting Tomorrow
Hope to see you at all 10am tomorrow for our series meeting. We will be discussing how birth options can help you avoid breastfeeding difficulties. As always, all interested women and their children who need them are welcome to our meetings. See you there!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Enrichment Meeting
Don't forget this will be the only enrichment meeting during this series. So, come join us for Crafts with Kids enrichment meeting. Come share ideas for fun things to do with toddlers and preschoolers during the cold winter months.
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