Have you heard about the Breastfeeding Café? Wondering what it's all about? Read this excerpt from the Breastfeeding Café website. For more information visit
http://breastfeedingcafe.wordpress.com/. To volunteer to help at the café email Renee at
The Breastfeeding Cafe is an outreach project of the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition. Our goals are to…
1. Show that breastfeeding is normal
2. Inspire thought and conversation about breastfeeding
3. Encourage relationships among breastfeeding advocates
The Breastfeeding Cafe grew from the needs of nursing mothers, including local mom Susan Johnson who wished for a welcoming spirit and place while nursing her own daughter in the 90s. A Utah Breastfeeding Coalition member, La Leche League Leader and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Susan envisioned a gathering place in which nursing mothers and their children would be welcomed in the community.
An annual Coalition event, The Breastfeeding Cafe is possible thanks to the generosity and nurturing spirit of volunteers from all over the valley. Together with our sponsors and visitors we look forward to a time when every day is one of acceptance for nursing families.
Thank you for celebrating the everyday importance of breastfeeding!